Whether You’re Looking for Key Man Business Life Insurance or Personal Life Insurance Let Kitchner Benefits Help
We have access to all the top shelf carriers and direct access to underwriters. We make the process as smooth as possible. A successful business plan includes these considerations:
Key Man Business Insurance
Just as life insurance protects a family from financial catastrophe in the event of the death of the primary breadwinner, key man life insurance protects a business from financial disaster.
Key man insurance can be purchased to cover the death of the founder or owner of the company, an executive, a leading sales person, attorney or any other employee whose contributions to the company are so great that the future of the company would be in doubt if he or she were to die or become permanently disabled and unable to work.
Review Current Policy
Reviewing your life insurance is an integral piece to your financial plan – Let us review your current policy in relation to any of the events below:
Personal Insurance
Reasons why you need life insurance:
Business Valuation
We have partners with Principal to provide an informal valuation and business planning report. Do you know the value today? Do you have a buy sell in place and if so, is it up to date?
This report includes action items such as helping to meet your retirement, business succession, business protection and estate planning goals. This service is usually thousands of dollars and is free to you as part of Kitchner Benefits. Take advantage of this great service.
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